Teddy Bear Sleepover!! - Friday, March 1st
till Saturday, March 2nd we will be having a Teddy Bear Sleepover to
celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday and Read Across America Day. Children are
invited to bring in a teddy bear or any of their favorite character
toys (I.E. Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Spiderman, Barbie, LEGO Creation, Or
Doll) Between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm on Friday, March 1st to spend the
night in the library. Then children can
come back at 10:00 AM on Saturday morning to pick-up their favorite toy,
and watch a powerpoint of what happened during their toy's stay at the
library and then, of course, have a light breakfast including Green Eggs
and Ham, Blueberry Bumplings, and A surprise Thing1&Thing2 desert!
Yummyness!! We invite children of any age to attend! Please call Ms.
Tammy at 717-597-7920 ext. 4 for more details! :)