The Besore Library will be hosting a Book Chat
on Tuesday, November 11 at 6:30 p.m. All Adults Welcome! Bring a book
or share a title with our "Besore Book Club." Refreshments will be
served. Acquire new ideas for your seasonal reading. We hope to see you there.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Remembering Veterans
The Lilian S. Besore Memorial Library will be
having a program to honor our Veterans in the community
room; on November 7, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Light
refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Lego Club!!
Our first meeting of LEGO Club here at Besore Library was a huge success we think the children had a great time. :) We can't wait for our next meeting on October 18. :)
Food Drive! :)
Fall is a time for giving and thinking of
families, and with Thanksgiving steadily approaching, Besore Library
will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable items to donate to a
local food bank. We will be taking donations starting today and ending
November 11. We have lists of items we are accepting at the circulation
desk, we would greatly appreciate any donations you could give.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
The Nifty-Thrifty Lady (Coupon Class)
The Nifty-Thrifty Lady, Jennifer Ward will be offering a FREE 2 hour class on how to clip and save with coupons! On Thursday, October 9th, from 6:00pm - 8:00pm at Lilian S. Besore Memorial Library. Learn how to stock up at rock bottom prices by combining store sales and coupons. Plus, learn all the basics to coupon usage, organization, and a step by step process to getting started. :) We hope to see you there! :)
Barns of Cumberland Valley
Next time you visit the Lilian S. Besore Memorial Library please feel free to check out our display for Franklin Fulton Reads. :) And think about joining us for our Barns of Cumberland Valley program on Friday, September 19th from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Enjoy photos and a presentation on area barns presented by Dianna Heim and photographer Philip Schaff. They created the book "Cumberland Valley Barns: Past and Present." & A presentation by the Conococheague Players as they do a skit based on the work of Pennsylvania author Eileen Graham. :) We hope to see you there. :)
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Meet an Author!! :)
Meet an Author!!
Marc Thomas Eckel
September 11, 2014
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
At: Lilian S. Besore Memorial Library
Check out his book :)
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Adult Book Wreath Class!! :)
Our Book Wreath Class, was a great hit here at the Besore Library! :) So great in fact that it may be back closer to the holidays due to popular demand! So if anyone's interested please keep an eye out for our announcements of future classes! :)
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Summer Reading Program So Far!!!!
Our Summer Reading Program seems to be a big hit so far!! We are so excited to see all the families joining up this year! :) Our Children's and Adults programs are going fantastic! Still looking for more people for our teen programs though :) Below are a few of the fun moments from our summer so far! :)
Steven Courtney's Concert was out Kick-Off Program for the Summer and it was a real BLAST :)
He really got the kids into it! :)
The Bug Man, another of our family programs, was an amazing night! :)
All of the kids were fascinated by the bugs. :)
Our Adult programs were a big hit as well, here's Chef McCullough showing everyone how to make healthy dishes.
The Finished Masterpiece :)
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Summer Reading Program!!
We just wanted to remind everyone about the Summer Reading Program Coming Up! You can begin registering on Monday, June 2, 2014!! Programs however are a little delayed this year due to all the snow days and school going further into the summer. Our kick-off program will be on Thursday June 19, 2014! Come see Steven Courtney "Live in Concert"!!!! Courtney's songs inspire imagination and positive social behavior with a superabundance of creativity added!!! Isn't that exciting?? Then our regular weekly summer reading programs will start Monday, June 23!! We hope to see you all there! We have lots of programs this year, for children, teens, and adults! Hey Kids Get Ready To Learn About Science In A Fun New and Creative WAY!
Friday, May 30, 2014
Book Sale!!!
We Want You To Come To Our Booksale!!
The Friends of the Besore Memorial Library are holding a Specialized Book Sale! :)
Thursday, June 5 - 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Friday, June 6 - 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Saturday, June 7 - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Book Sale will take place in Besore Memorial Library's History Room and Outdoor Patio Area.
Specialized Sale of Military History, Biographies, Memoirs, and General History Books.
** Saturday is "Bag-A-Book" Day. Purchase a "Friends of the Library" canvas bag for $10.00 and fill it with books, books and more books!! **
The Friends of the Library are accepting donations for the book sales on
Monday June 2nd from 1:00 PM - 7:00 Pm Only!
Drop off will be in Besore Library's History Room.
No Paperbacks, encyclopedias, magazines, Readers Digest or Textbooks, Please!
They are accepting limited topics Only! : Military History, General History, Biographies/Memoirs.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Super Reader!!!!
FREE FUN FAMILY EVENT!! Besore Library is
going to be having an Author Visit, yes it's that time of year again for
the SUPER READER!!! Floyd Stokes will be visiting us, on Tuesday, May
20th at 6:00 PM. There will be free books, door prizes, and you can even
register to win Dutch Wonderland tickets at each library visit!!! We hope to see you and your family there, so remember to save the date!!!
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Stripes of All Types
Our Storytime today was focused on the
2014 PA OneBook, Stripes of All Types by Susan Stockdale. Our kiddos
were able to match stripes, play with puppets, read,put puzzles
together, sort animals, investigate fur, life cycles and much more!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Employee of the Month!!!
Congratulations Tammy Freeman!!
Employee of the Month!!! :)
"Miss Tammy", Youth Service's Coordinator at Besore, has been complimented on numerous occassions by patrons and their children for her commitment to making storytime fun and educational. Her caring personality leads children to love learning and the library!
Tammy is leaving us at the end of May due to a family relocation. Both patrons and staff will miss her very much!
Good Luck Tammy!
Introduction to Home Education Workshop!
Thursday May 22 at 6:00 PM
Lilian Besore Library, Greencastle PA
Should you or have you ever considered home education?
Please join Franklin Learning Activity Group for our annual presentation to advocate and support home education in Franklin County. The program will feature local speakers currently home educating their own children and will focus on their personal journeys, the laws and regulations governing home education in Pennsylvania, and the diverse approaches to home education. Parents will be on hand to answer questions after the presentation.
Refreshments and light snacks will be provided.
This Program is free to the public.
Pre-register by calling Lori at 717-496-5682 or emailing
Signup sheets also available at the Besore Library.
FLAG is a group of Franklin County families that care passionately about the academic and social needs of their children and are building educational paths outside of the school system. The group is not religiously affiliated.
Monday, March 31, 2014
New Patio Tables!!!
These tables were made by Tyler Douglas for his Eagle Scouts Project. :) Tyler is with Troop 99, we will be getting more seating made by him in the near future. So please come, take a seat, and enjoy our new patio furniture. :)
Family Place!!
Our Youth Services Coordinator, Ms. Tammy, has been holding special Toddler Storytimes for the month of March; with the help of some of our local community members. These special Storytimes are called Family Place Programs; that teach children and parents special learning skills.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Preschool Storytime! :)
Students were able to use snow and
colored water to experiment what happens when colors mix. The students
created snow pies, rainbows, ice cream, and snowmen. Afterwards, the
students came back to carpet, shared what they created and what they
learned about snow. One student decided to wear his mittens!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
All Ages Welcome
Free Presentation
Saturday, February 22
11am - 12pm
Besore Memorial Library
Norman Little
Reenactor of the RMS Titantic Commander,
E. J. Smith
Patrons can expect:
1.) PowerPoint presentation
2.) Hands-on visual aid of the RMS Titanic
3.) Book Purchase and Autograph
4.) Door Prizes
All Proceeds will be donated to the Home Nursing Foundation of Altoona

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