Please feel free to join us at the Besore Library for any of the following events: :) We hope to see you and your family there! :)
Franklin Learning Activity Group (FLAG) : Will be meeting Wednesday, April 3rd, and April 17th at 11:00am
American Girls Club: Will be meeting on Saturday, April 20th, at 10:00am
~ This will be the last American Girl Club meeting until fall, so of course we will be having a party!!! And the girls will be celebrating a real life American Girl, Themselves! There will be light refreshments, a movie and we will play some games. We hope to see you and your daughters there! :)
Family Movie Night: Tuesday, April 16th, 5:30-7:30pm
~Please join us at Besore Library for a movie night where your family will be sure to have lots of fun!! We are going to show Cars 2!! Light refreshments will be provided! Please Sign up in advance! :)
Parent Literacy Class: Thursday, April 4th, at 10:00 am
~We will be ending with fun ideas that you can do with your child at home this spring and summer!! :)
Read to the Dogs: Thursday, April 18th, 6:30PM&7:00PM
(Please sign up in advance) and Join us for a fun night of reading and you'll get to meet some of the kindly canines unit. :) They are trained therapy dogs who love to be read too. :)
Henny Penny: Thursday, April 18th, 1:00 pm
~The Friends of the Besore Library will be presenting a puppet show! Telling the story of the courageous Henny Penny! :) All ages are welcome no sign-up necessary!!
Preschool Storytime Schedule:
Monday, April 1st, 1:15 pm
Tuesday, April 2nd, 10:00am
Monday, April 8th, 1:15pm
Tuesday, April 9th, 10:00am
Monday, April 15th, 1:15 pm
Tuesday, April 16th, 10:00 am
Monday, April 22nd, 1:15 pm
Tuesday, April 23d, 10:00am
Monday, April 29th, 1:15pm
Tuesday, April 30th, 10:00 am
Toddler Storytime Schedule:
Friday, April 5th, 10 am & 11am
Friday, April 12th, 10am & 11am
Friday, April 19th, 10 am & 11am
Friday, April 26th, 10 am & 11 am
April will be our last full month of activities until summer time, when summer reading programs begin and lots of fun will be had for all involved!!! :)
We will however be having a special guest visit our library named Floyd Stokes!! Otherwise known as the SUPER READER!!! :) He will be visiting on May 30th at 6 pm!!! We hope to see you and your family here for our special event!!